The Straight Scoop on Shale
Sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania
THRIVE: Sustainable Energy, Jobs & Economic Development Symposium
Held on May 19, 2016 at the Energy Innovation Center in Pittsburgh.
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The symposium included a tour of the EIC, which is a green renovation of the former Connelley trade high school. The tour was guided by Penn State Center Pittsburgh’s Cindy Hasenjager.
There was also a small group strategic planning and policy discussion session. Kimberly Kipin-Mcdonald who works in Sustainable Business Development for Covestro gave tour-goers insight into the building materials used in converting the building for LEED platinum certification.
Welcome Symposium
Welcome Remarks: Heather Harr LWVPA Project Director
Hon. Jim Ferlo V.P. Pittsburgh Green Innovators | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Dr. Deno De Ciantis Director, Penn State Center Pittsburgh | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Suzanne Almeida Executive Director, League of Women Voters of PA | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Introduction Vera Bonnet | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Vera Bonnet Chair, LWV Indiana County Environmental Issues | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Introduction Ed Johnstonbaugh | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Renewable Energy – Solar, Wind, GeoThermal, Small Scale Hydro, BioMass & BioGas Ed Johnstonbaugh Renewable Energy Educator, Penn State Extension |
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Introduction Hon. Corey O’Connor | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Sustainable Economic Development – Pittsburgh, Paris, Plans, Projects and Progress Hon. Corey O’Connor Pittsburgh City Councilman |
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Closing Remarks | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Introduction Patricia DeMarco | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Keynote |
“The Just Transition” – Transitioning Workers from Fossil Fuel Patricia DeMarco PhD Visiting Scholar, CMU Institute for Green Sciences |
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Introduction Matthew Maroon | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
ENERGY, JOB CREATION & TRAINING Batteries, Storage and Grids Matthew Maroon V.P. Aquion Energy Natl. Energy Leadership Corps Home Energy Audit & Retrofit Job Training Program |
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.
Videos: Presentation: |
Introduction Cindy Hasenjager |
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Cindy Hasenjager Manager, Renewable & Alt. Energy, Penn State Center Solar in W. PA, and Environmental Entrepreneurs’ Clean Energy Jobs Report |
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
Sharon Pillar President, Solar Unified Network of W PA, & E2 | Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |
STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION – EXPANDING ACROSS WESTERN PA Policy Panel Ed Johnstonbaugh, Hon. Jim Ferlo, Mario Leone Jr. (Monaca Borough Manager) Best Practices Jim Price Sustainable Community Certification Program, Sustainable Pittsburgh Vera Bonnet League of Women Voters Indiana County Sustainable Energy Inventory, EcoTourism Commentary: Khari Mosley, BlueGreen Alliance; Anna J. Siefken, Green Building Alliance; Lindsay Baxter, Pennsylvania Environmental Council |
Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file. |

Suzanne Almeida

Kimberly Kipin-Mcdonald giving a tour.

Ed Johnstonbaugh

Dr. Patricia DeMarco

Matthew Maroon

Hon. Corey O’Connor